As long as the order didnt leave our warehouse, it can be canceled or changed.
We place great importance on the quality of the items.
Our team of buyers chooses carefully and assesses the likelihood of an item being sold. We are very strict about the quality of the items and do not accept anything that is less than “as new”. Clothes with stains and rips are rejected immediately. All of the items on the site look and feel new, both in terms of cleanliness and quality. These are items that we would be happy to wear ourselves.
When your order is sent to you, we will send you an update by email. In addition, we offer registered users the option to track the status of the order in the personal area on the “Order History” page, and to view the status of the order.
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone/whatsapp: +972 54-5522775
From Sun-Thu from 10:00-17:00 (Israel time)
At ayuchka we work under the Consignation method, this means that you bring us your items, we sell them and then you receive your money.
For information about the selling process, click here.
We accept all fashion items (clothing, accessories, shoes, sunglasses), for women, men, kids and babies.
Have a question? Our customer service will be happy to assist you at [email protected] or by phone at +972-054-5522775.
We accept a wide range of brands, from Michael Kors to Chanel. To view the list of brands we accept click here.